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2019 AAUS Bylaws Change

Recently the AAUS Board of Directors was made aware of an apparent error in the AAUS Bylaws pertaining to the terms of service for Officers. As per the 2016 version (excerpted below), it is written that Officers are to serve 3 year terms, however, current and past practice has been for Officers, including President-Elect and President to serve only 2 year terms.

ARTICLE V. Section 4. Term, Removal and Filling Vacancies. (a) Term. The term of office for all Officers shall begin on the first day of January and shall continue for three years and until a successor is elected or appointed and qualified.

The Board investigated this apparent error and determined that it occurred sometime in 2011, during a previous Bylaws change/review. There exists no record in the BOD Meeting Minutes (2011-present) of any discussion or vote pertaining to such a change. As such, the Bylaws will be corrected to read that Officers serve 2 year terms (4 years total service for President-Elect/President.) While discussing this correction, it was proposed that the total term for ‘Presidents’ be rearranged to 1 year as President-Elect, followed by 2 years as President, followed by 1 year as Past-President. This preserves the total term of President (4 years) but in slightly different capacities.

Below is a document outlining the rationale and specifics of this proposed bylaws change.  AAUS is asking all members to review this document and provide any comments via the linked form below by May 15, 2019.

2019 AAUS Bylaws Change

Comment Form:  https://goo.gl/forms/zZjMhNC3JOvAdejV2