Diving Safety Professional Training Scholarships

The American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS) works to advance and facilitate safe and productive scientific diving. It is the Diving Safety Program administration, such as Dive Safety Officers and instructional staff,  who work to uphold the safety standards that limit organizational liability. Thus far, all scholarships and internships have been to the benefit of individual scientific divers. We would like a chance to give back to these professionals.

Who are these for?

-        Diving Safety Program professionals  who perform work for an AAUS Organizational Member.

-        Those for which specialized training will help them better understand the role of a Dive Officer Program professional engaged in the operations and administration of a scientific diving program.

What will these entail?

-        These scholarships will be funded by a percentage of instructor dues to AAUS and will fund as many scholarship winners as can be afforded by the funding and what the Academy and Foundation have the capacity to support

-        Neither scholarship can be used for purchase of equipment beyond required materials provided by training courses (Thacker Scholarship).

How much?

-        Up to $1500

-        Multiple scholarships of each type can be awarded depending on the funding available and the amount requested by applicants.

Two separate scholarship types are available:


Cheryl Thacker Diving Safety Professional Training Program

Provides funds for a continuing education course such as but not limited to:

       Gear service

       Advanced diving

       Technical diving

       Instructor training

       DAN IQC

       AAUS Dive Safety Officer Orientation

       AAUS Instructor Training

Selection Criteria

-        Be a Diving Safety Program professional at an active AAUS organizational member

To Apply

-        Submit all application materials to the scholarship chair ([email protected]) including:

        1-2 page statement including a description of the chosen course (goals, methods, expected outcomes), what specific need the scholarship will address (programmatic, financial),  and how it will benefit the applicant (professional development) and the OM (program excellence).

        A detailed budget of the course costs and associated expenses. If the course or travel costs more than the scholarship, a short description of how they will fund the rest (i.e. self-funded or the OM)

        Letter of Support from OM’s Diving Control Board Chair or Diving Safety Officer

Applications close June 30


Mike Dardeau Diving Safety Professional Immersion Program

Provides assistance in the payment for transportation,  lodging, and related expenses for the applicant to visit another AAUS OM to learn:

       Specific task or training technique

       Use of equipment

       Administration of a Scientific Diving Program

Selection Criteria

-        Be a Diving Safety Program professional at an active AAUS organizational member

                To Apply

-        Submit all application materials to the scholarship chair ([email protected]) including:

        1-2 page statement detailing the desired outcomes of the immersion experience (goals, methods, expected outcomes) including who the host will be and what their program offers, what specific need the scholarship will address (programmatic, financial),  and how it will benefit the applicant (professional development) and the OM (program excellence).

        A budget detailing costs including travel, lodging, and related expenses. If the expenses exceed the total value of the award amount, a short description of how they will fund the rest (i.e. self-funded, OM, host OM)

        Letter of Support from home OM’s Diving Control Board Chair or Diving Safety Officer

        Letter of Support from host OM’s Diving Control Board Chair or Diving Safety Officer


-        After the experience, recipients will submit a short bio and summary of their experience for publication in the eSlate.